Thursday, March 3, 2011

Don't expect to pick flowers, if you plant weeds

With only 1 day of rain,  I was concerned that my gladiolus would not make it but lo and behold, they have jumped through the soil and look like they are going to do fine.

Several people have requested some recipes for beets so please look under Delicious Delectables for a couple of ways to prepare .
Also added a great recipe for Spinach Salad with a yummy dressing.

What beautiful weather it has been in this area.  Walking should be an easy way to get some exercise.  The dog has been on her best behavior because she knows she will be strolling along with me.  I have seen more of my neighbors in the past few weeks than I have in years.  A smile, a wave and a certain feeling of peace seems to be in the air. 
A new fad of taking turns once a month cooking at different houses with each neighbor choosing the theme of the month and the other neighbors bringing complimentary side dishes to go with the host main dish is starting to become very popular.  I'm not on that fad at the moment but maybe in the future. So far a wave and a smile is the thing.

Don't forget to use your used coffee grounds and for those that charcoal, your ashes for your rose bushes. I am still putting things together for organic gardening.  It has taken forever to plant flowers and till soil. A blanket on the ground with a pillow to sit on and a chair right next to me has been my way lately.  I need the chair to be able to stand back up. I have to work on making my legs stronger.
I saw a sign that says, 'Don't expect to pick flowers if you plant weeds.' A good life lesson.

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