"Two or more parties simply attempting to out-do one another, not for the sake of truly believing in their cause, but just to win in order to gain some kind of power, honor, or reward of some kind."
Thanks to the dictionary for finally giving me the knowledge of the actual meaning of a "'Pissing Contest" as used when two or more people are trying to one up each other.
Lyndon Johnson always said something to the effect of not getting into a pissing contest with a polecat even though he didn't always follow his own advice.
How sad it is when adults striving for the same results have to have a power struggle about the way to get to the finished job.
Is it jealousy, the loss of a lifestyle, drinking, or the horrible green monster not wanting to accept that perhaps what they use to do, they can do no more?
The knowing that someone can do a job as well or better than you does not mean that you can't do the job. It just means that there is help if needed and should graciously be accepted.
The delay of having to prove the equality or the importance of a contributing partner, not only waste time but causes so much hostility that everyone gives up on the task and nothing gets accomplished. How much easier to swallow pride and note that perhaps something could be learned.
Stressing the point of your accomplishments, of how you would do it takes away from the end result. A new approach might be to take notice of how someone else does something and maybe use it when you need to do something different than the way you have always done it.
Working together does not always have to be competitive. Wanted a job well done is the end goal and no matter how it is reached and by whom, this is the way it should be approached.
Reach out your hand to someone who wants to help without thinking it is the start of a competition. No one is judging and at least when you can look at the finished product and think it's a job well done, you have the satisfaction of knowing that you let the right people do the job.
In the 'pissing contest' of life, at least you'll be a fair competitor.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Thank you for this fun e-mail I received:
ATD: | At The Doctor's |
BFF: | Best Friend Fainted |
BTW: | Bring The Wheelchair |
BYOT: | Bring Your Own Teeth |
CBM: | Covered By Medicare |
CGU: | Can't get up |
CUATSC: | See You At The Senior Center |
DWI: | Driving While Incontinent |
FWB: | Friend With Beta Blockers |
FWIW: | Forgot Where I Was |
FYI: | Found Your Insulin |
GGPBL: | Gotta Go Pacemaker Battery Low! |
GHA: | Got Heartburn Again |
HGBM: | Had Good Bowel Movement |
IMHO: | Is My Hearing-Aid On? |
LMDO: | Laughing My Dentures Out |
LOL: | Living On Lipitor |
LWO: | Lawrence Welk's On |
OMMR: | On My Massage Recliner |
OMSG: | Oh My! Sorry Gas. |
ROFL... CGU: | Rolling On The Floor Laughing... And Can't Get Up |
TTYL: | Talk To You Louder |
WAITT: | Who Am I Talking To? |
WTFA: | Wet The Furniture Again |
WTP: | Where's The Prunes? |
WWNO: | Walker Wheels Need Oil |
GGLKI: | (Gotta Go Laxative Kicking In) |
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