Today I woke up with this crazy idea of taking a moment to talk to the organs in my body and try to explain the torture I have put them through in the past, and sometimes in the present.
To the Brain, I would have to ask if patience with me would help with its function. Not only do I overwork this vital organ but I place so much blame on it when it won't shut off.
The Brain at times is trying to tell me that the obsessive worry I do about things that haven't even happened, is making it function at an excessive high speed. Thinking about things other than the moment I am in is not giving this organ enough exercise of stimulation to take me through the elderly years.
The heart seems just to want a little soothing and not so much hurt of taking people's opinions much too seriously. The heart and brain have had many late night conversations trying to figure how to provide me with necessity from them with my overtaxing ways.
The Liver tells the heart and brain to lay off because I have been so good to this organ in the past few years. The drinking and imbibing so many sodas were stopped because it just seemed like the thing to do.
The stomach tells the liver not to be so cocky. With the amount of fast food in my past, this organ is still trying to recuperate. My stomach yells, grumbles and cramps in trying to tell me to watch what I eat. I apologize profusely and explain the new patterns of eating that I am undertaking.
And my dear, wonderful lungs trying ever so hard to keep me breathing so as I can make all these other organs happy.
When I quit smoking, my lungs began to work so hard to help me regain enough breath to do all the things I had arranged with the Brain to make me capable of doing. My quality of life has improved so much with my Lungs trying their best.
Now that I have apologized and asked all these vital organs to work with me to be an inspiration to others, my body seems to have settle into a more relaxed state.
I'm sure my system got together and said, "OK, one more chance, but if you blow it this time, then we are calling it and your apologies will mean nothing."
I noticed my digestive tract gurgling as if laughing to say," If she blows it this time, turn her over to me. You all know what an A__hole I am!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Ahhhhh July!
Strolling around the yard today, I was reflecting as to the changes since leaving my job in February. Live, thriving plants about to rest for the season greet me walking down the little path that was created by moving some plants around.
New additions to the yard give it a more festive view from the road. My son made two planters and they have been great conversation pieces when my friends are over. One planter looks as it will fall any moment but that is the way it is designed. The other is wood and holds the potted plants that I try to keep year around.
I plucked the dead tops off the Zinnias and put them in my seed pouch for next year. The first Zinnias that started dying off, I pulled the dead flower off, opened it up and spread the seeds around. Lo and behold, with all this rain that July brought, they came back up and now are over 8 inches tall and ready to bloom again. I admit feeling a little proud that I had the insight to do that. Zinnias are such a special plant to me that all year long they would be welcomed in the garden.
Marigolds are another flower that you can cut the dead flower off, open it up, spread around and they will grow back. I also harvest them for next year. The thrill of next year coming with all these flowers popping up that I’m sure I will forget planting some of them makes me smile with excitement.
July was a hard month in the yard with all the rain but next month will probably be so dry that I’d wish it would rain.
I love my yard and to me, it is beautiful because I know the love and labor that has gone into making it what it is. Others may not share my enthusiasm and that’s sad for them. I know the secrets out here and no flowers have whispered to them.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
I Never Eat Leftovers!!!
When I was married, my husband always told his friends, "I never eat leftovers. My wife cooks a fresh meal every night."
I still grin when someone says those exact words in my presence.
Leftover queen is a title I wear proudly. I have been specializing in how to make a food budget spread out for more years than people have been that upset about the economy. My Mother use to make the best meals and they always came together so fast. When young, I would labor for hours to recreate some of the same dinners. Telling my tales of culinary efforts to my Mother always brought a look of love to her face.
When I became engaged, Mother said, "I am going to share with you the secrets of always having a good meal on the table and not have to stress about how to afford it." This statement from one of the best cooks in my life was worth more than she would know in later years.
First secret was when making a Meat Loaf that every person will love, make sure to make a large one. The reason for this is not only will it make a wonderful display but you have enough for three meals. She would always take the leftover meatloaf, freeze enough for Spaghetti Sauce and then would use the rest of the leftovers for sloppy joes by just adding a good bar-b-Que sauce. My favorite is Bullseye Original.
If she made a beef roast, the next night it would be cut up with potatoes and onion and served with a hearty salad.
Beans were a staple in our house hold and leftover beans were made into baked beans or mashed for Burritos.
Baked ham was utilized in Macaroni and cheese, sauteed with candied yams, great Sub sandwiches and used as flavoring for squash, greens, and anything that needed a little seasoning.
The funniest thing she said was, " Your Dad tells everyone he never eats leftovers. His favorite dish is my "homemade" mashed potatoes which is just instant potatoes with Mayonnaise added. My home made Biscuits like his Mother made, is Bisquick also with a little Mayonnaise added."
The best part about this is you are not lying when you serve them these wonderful meals. Not only are you budget minded, but your skills of creating has excelled to new levels.
My job now is to pass this information on to my Daughter and also my Son's future wife.
Oh, dear, I just heard my son tell his friend, "my Mother is the best cook. We never eat leftovers."
I still grin when someone says those exact words in my presence.
Leftover queen is a title I wear proudly. I have been specializing in how to make a food budget spread out for more years than people have been that upset about the economy. My Mother use to make the best meals and they always came together so fast. When young, I would labor for hours to recreate some of the same dinners. Telling my tales of culinary efforts to my Mother always brought a look of love to her face.
When I became engaged, Mother said, "I am going to share with you the secrets of always having a good meal on the table and not have to stress about how to afford it." This statement from one of the best cooks in my life was worth more than she would know in later years.
First secret was when making a Meat Loaf that every person will love, make sure to make a large one. The reason for this is not only will it make a wonderful display but you have enough for three meals. She would always take the leftover meatloaf, freeze enough for Spaghetti Sauce and then would use the rest of the leftovers for sloppy joes by just adding a good bar-b-Que sauce. My favorite is Bullseye Original.
If she made a beef roast, the next night it would be cut up with potatoes and onion and served with a hearty salad.
Beans were a staple in our house hold and leftover beans were made into baked beans or mashed for Burritos.
Baked ham was utilized in Macaroni and cheese, sauteed with candied yams, great Sub sandwiches and used as flavoring for squash, greens, and anything that needed a little seasoning.
The funniest thing she said was, " Your Dad tells everyone he never eats leftovers. His favorite dish is my "homemade" mashed potatoes which is just instant potatoes with Mayonnaise added. My home made Biscuits like his Mother made, is Bisquick also with a little Mayonnaise added."
The best part about this is you are not lying when you serve them these wonderful meals. Not only are you budget minded, but your skills of creating has excelled to new levels.
My job now is to pass this information on to my Daughter and also my Son's future wife.
Oh, dear, I just heard my son tell his friend, "my Mother is the best cook. We never eat leftovers."
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Summer cold and Germs Beware!
"Get back in that bathroom and wash your hands!" As a child, hearing my Father shout the stern warning would put the fear of something evil happening in the world if I didn't wash my hands. Thank you, Dad.
Washing hands and covering mouths when coughing is the best advice parents can give their children. Cold germs are lurking everywhere in the season and it is a game of the fittest as to who survives without that annoying shadow overtaking our life for any amount of time.
The best remedies for fighting off a cold are:
Eucalyptus oil-for unclogging sinuses.
peppermint oil-for headaches.
Lavender oil for relaxing and healing.
Rosemary oil for bronchial cleansing.
Cinnamon for well being. (also great for diabetics to lower blood sugar.)
peppermint oil-for headaches.
Lavender oil for relaxing and healing.
Rosemary oil for bronchial cleansing.
Cinnamon for well being. (also great for diabetics to lower blood sugar.)
The combination of the above in a atomizer, on a handkerchief, on your pillow at night makes breathing so much easier if the onset of a cold is lurking. These can be bought at a health food store and is worth every penny.
A remedy from one of my elderly neighbors also seems to knock out anything that resembles a cough or a cold. She combines a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of cayenne pepper,a dash of lemon juice and small dash of cinnamon into a small bottle and takes a spoonful in the morning and one at night and swears it works for her. She is 90 years old and seems in great health so I'm not going to argue the fact. Just be careful when taking it as it does have a kick to it. I still have to add a little water to mine.
When shopping, opening doors to businesses, just keep washing your hands because the person before you may not have been as clean.
With all of the products on the market and all of the remedies we have at our disposal, preventing the cold is so much easier that it use to be. Don't get caught up with all the hype of what all you need to buy because the old remedy of Vick's Vapor rub, mustard packs, hot water bottles and rest are still the best ways to stay healthy.
Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar
If you have acid reflux, take a tablespoon of straight apple cider vinegar. In ten minutes, if the pain goes away, then your body is telling you that more acid is needed in your diet. For the first time in years, I am able to eat without all the discomfort.
One of our more fun adventures is when I arrive home weary from work and feel like the bottoms of my feet are going to fall off. I put water in a pan (hot, but not so hot as to burn my feet) and add one-quarter of a cup of apple cider vinegar to it. Oh, the sheer heaven of it. Not only does it detoxify your body, but if you have bad toenails, bunions, corns, or calluses, you'll begin to see a change for the better. Soak your feet until the water cools, dry off and bathe in the glow of that wonderful relaxed feeling.
After several months of using my vinegar, I noticed a few inches had dropped from my hips and stomach. I still weighed the same, so once again; the vinegar caused me more excitement.
When you get bored with taking vinegar straight, mix together a little olive oil, vinegar, onions, garlic, tomatoes, or any other vegetable you enjoy, add black pepper, put it into a bowl in the refrigerator with a lid, take a tablespoon out every night and enjoy it with dinner.
When you are shopping, make sure to include apple cider vinegar as one of your staples. My flexibility has improved, my bones aren't hurting all the time, my skin looks better and I am giving all the credit to the vinegar.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
"I'll lend you for a little while a child of mine." He said.
"For you to love while she lives and mourn for when she's dead.
It may be two or three years, or maybe twenty three,
But will you, till I call her home, take care of her for me?
She'll bring her charm to gladden you, and shall her stay be brief,
You'll have her lovely memories as solace for your grief."
"I cannot promise she will stay, since all from Earth return,
But there are lessons taught down there I want this child to learn.
I've looked the wide world over in my search for teachers true,
And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes, I have selected you.
Now will you give her all your love, nor think the labor vain,
Nor hate me when I come to call to take her back again?"
"I fancied that I heard them say, " Dear Lord, Thy will be done!
For all the joy thy child shall bring, the risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter her with tenderness, we'll love her while we may,
And for the happiness we've known, forever grateful stay.
But shall the Angels call for her much sooner than we've planned,
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes and try to understand."
"For you to love while she lives and mourn for when she's dead.
It may be two or three years, or maybe twenty three,
But will you, till I call her home, take care of her for me?
She'll bring her charm to gladden you, and shall her stay be brief,
You'll have her lovely memories as solace for your grief."
"I cannot promise she will stay, since all from Earth return,
But there are lessons taught down there I want this child to learn.
I've looked the wide world over in my search for teachers true,
And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes, I have selected you.
Now will you give her all your love, nor think the labor vain,
Nor hate me when I come to call to take her back again?"
"I fancied that I heard them say, " Dear Lord, Thy will be done!
For all the joy thy child shall bring, the risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter her with tenderness, we'll love her while we may,
And for the happiness we've known, forever grateful stay.
But shall the Angels call for her much sooner than we've planned,
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes and try to understand."
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Happy 4th of July!
My Grandmother had 5 sons who fought in World War 2 and The Battle of the Bulge. They were the holders of all that the Flag represented. Two won the Purple Heart. After the sadness of losing so many men around them, they never really got over the devastation of what war did to their souls. They were proud that they served and celebrated those holidays that honored Veterans with the same gusto as children given all the candy they could hold.
I cannot imagine, after hearing all the tales of war and what bravery was done, that anyone would be able to burn a flag.
I am all for political correctness but I am also for common sense. The values we grew up with were to honor parents, God and Country and it seemed to serve us well.
When and how, as Americans, can we come together with the knowledge that all men are created equal? We should be working together to make America what it was when neighbors said hello, you could walk down a street and feel safe, if someone was hungry, the word bum never came to mind. You fed the people that were hungry and clothed the ones who needed clothes. Common sense values were the mark of a man.
The kids of today laugh about the 50's and 60's but they need to realize all that they enjoy today started somewhere. They may be more technological savvy but if the heart is void of caring about their fellow man, then what are their real contributions?
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